Heather Maitland’s overview of 2015 arts attendance trends, presented at APAC16, had some good news. Yet small increases in ticket sales and attendances, while welcome, are hard-won. In order for Heather and Study participants to share audience development insights and best practice, there’s a day of Workshops planned.
In a departure from the traditional one-to-one meetings, this year’s Benchmarking event was a series of Workshops, each one focused on an audience development issue identified as needing attention. Topics were selected based on Heather’s analysis of last year’s data and trends.
The four Workshops were videoed and are available below.
Workshop 1
Converting first timers to regular attenders
How do we get first time ticket buyers to come back at least once?
Workshop 2
From occasional to regular attenders
How can we increase frequency amongst occasional attenders? What can we do about lapsed attenders?
Workshop 3
Fixing our e-mails
Our e-mails aren’t working – how can we fix them?
Workshop 4
Grabbing attention with no budget
How do get more attention with less budget?
Thanks to axis for their support for these Workshops.