We are currently working with Mother Tongues to consider, formulate and publish Theatre Forum’s EDI policy early in 2022. This consultation involves the board, executive, organisation, artist and arts workers who are members, and critically, those organisations and people working in the performing arts who do not consider Theatre Forum to be relevant.
Invitation Theatre Forum EDI policy discussion
To ensure a broad and diverse range of views and opinions, we’re inviting artist and arts workers as well as organisations to join the policy discussion most relevant to their situation.
Four group conversations to interrogate the company’s strategy on its democratic, equality, diversity and inclusion thinking are taking place next week. Mother Tongues Director Francesca La Morgia will facilitate these conversations which will help formulate Theatre Forum’s EDI policy for its publication in January 2022. The policy will be freely available on Theatre Forum’s website to support performing arts organisations developing their own policies.
What to do?
If interested in being part of this process, register for the group that best matches your own situation. Groups will close when 8 participants have registered. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. All meetings will take place on Zoom.
Arts organisations who are not members of Theatre Forum.
Rescheduled to 29 November at 10am
Register if a representative of your organisation would like to participate in this discussion.
Artists* and arts workers* who are members of Theatre Forum.
Thursday 18 November
Register if you would like to participate in this discussion.
Organisations who are members of Theatre Forum
Thursday 18 November
Register if a representative of your organisation would like to participate in this discussion.
Artists* and arts workers* who are not members of Theatre Forum.
Friday 19 November
Group 4 10am-11.30am
Register if you would like to participate in this discussion.
Note that artists* and arts workers* participating in Groups 2 and 4 who are not salaried are offered a fee of €150 for their participation.