Election of Directors
According to Theatre Forum CLG Constitution, one third of Theatre Forum’s elected directors retire at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), with those directors who have been longest in office retiring. As this will create two director vacancies, there will be an election for two positions at the AGM taking place on Thursday 13 September.
As the first step in the election process, we’re asking members to propose candidates for election. Note that while proposers must be Theatre Forum members, candidates do not have to be members of the organisation but must agree to the nomination. If you would like to propose a candidate, complete and return signed nomination form by 15 August 2018. You can consult Theatre Forum Rules of membership for additional information.
AGM Timeline
Here’s the AGM timeline for your reference:
- Open for nominations of candidates for election – 2 August
- Close for nominations of candidates for election – 15 August
- Notice of AGM to all members – 22 August
- AGM – 13 September (time, place, and registration to follow)
Board composition
It’s important that the Theatre Forum’s board is a broadly representative one. To achieve this, the nomination of candidates from dance, opera, venues, as well as organisations working with young audiences is encouraged. Additional useful expertise includes the making, producing and touring work of scale, nationally and internationally. A reasonable geographic spread plus an emphasis on gender balance are important considerations too.
Financial Statements 2017
For candidates and proposers, Theatre Forum’s 2017 Financial Statements are available.
To nominate a candidate, receive the meeting notice, attend and vote at the AGM, your membership must be up to date.